
Leave a gift in your Will and make a lasting difference to animals

Over the years, Little Valley has been humbled by many of the incredibly kind legacies we’ve received. They have, without doubt, helped us to make Little Valley into the shelter it is today, allowing us to build specialist care facilities and train and recruit knowledgeable staff who work with our animals giving them the best chance of a happy future.

But there is much more we can do in the future to improve the lives of neglected animals in Devon. By making plans to remember us when you are no longer here, you can help to ensure every animal possible is treated with the love, care and respect they deserve, until the day we find them a forever home.

You’ll also help us to increase awareness of the importance of animal welfare in your local community meaning fewer animals are badly treated and lead lives of neglect.

Hugh Lowson

How to leave your legacy

If you would like to leave a gift in your will to Little Valley Animal Shelter (officially known as RSPCA Devon Branch) you can do this by making a Will or by adding a codicil (a document which specifies alterations to your will). If you are making a will, please remember that the RSPCA Devon Branch and all the other RSPCA branches are separately registered charities. So, if you would like the animals in your local area to benefit, we would respectfully suggest that your legacy reads:


I give the sum of £………. (or specify a share of residue)to the RSPCA Devon Branch, Registered Charity Number 205154, RSPCA Devon Branch, Little Valley Animal Shelter, Black Hat Lane, Exeter EX2 9TA for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of the said RSPCA for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.

We strongly recommend you that you speak to a solicitor to ensure that your wishes will be carried out as you intend.