When Arnold arrived at Little Valley, we didn’t quite know what to expect. Found in Exeter with severe burns across his face and body, his condition was heart-wrenching.
We’re still unsure how Arnold ended up in this state—whether it was due to an accident or something more deliberate. But one thing was clear: Arnold needed help, and he needed it fast.
After receiving urgent treatment from the vets, Arnold was brought to us for ongoing care, and from the moment he was taken out of his carrier, he showed us what a truly special cat he is. Despite being in pain and surrounded by strangers, Arnold greeted our team with nothing but sweetness. He’s been a star patient ever since—always gentle, loving, and patient, even when taking his medication.
Arnold has quickly become a favourite among our staff and volunteers. He loves fuss and snuggles and will seek out attention whenever he can.
His ability to trust and love, despite everything he’s been through, is nothing short of remarkable.
While we’ve had many people express interest in offering Arnold a forever home, we must stress that he won’t be ready for rehoming for quite some time. His recovery will be a long process, and we want to ensure he has the time and space he needs to heal fully.
It’s important to mention that the vet does not believe Arnold’s burns were fire-related. However, this time of year presents many dangers to animals, especially as Bonfire Night approaches, and we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the risks associated with bonfires and fireworks.
How you can help protect animals this Guy Fawkes Night:
Create a Safe Space for Pets:
Fireworks can cause extreme anxiety for pets. Ensure they are kept indoors, with a safe, quiet area where they can retreat. Consider playing soft music to mask the sound of fireworks.
Check Bonfires Carefully:
Hedgehogs and other small creatures often seek shelter in bonfire piles. Always check thoroughly before lighting to ensure no wildlife is at risk.
Be Mindful of Fireworks Placement: Set off fireworks in areas clear of wildlife habitats, such as hedgerows or trees. If possible, attend an organised display rather than setting them off at home.
Clean Up After Celebrations:
Debris from fireworks can pose a significant risk to animals. Always clean up thoroughly to prevent pets or wildlife from ingesting harmful materials.
Consider Skipping Fireworks Altogether:
Fireworks may be a staple of the season, but their impact on animals—both domestic and wild—can be devastating. Consider celebrating in ways that don’t involve fireworks, such as using environmentally friendly light displays or hosting a small gathering without the bangs.
Thanks to your incredible support, Arnold is now in a safe place where he can receive the care and love he so desperately needed. Your generosity ensures we can continue to help animals like Arnold through their most difficult times. As we work towards his full recovery, we are filled with hope that Arnold’s story will one day have a happy ending.
For now, he’s in the best place, receiving all the fuss and attention his sweet soul deserves. From all of us at Little Valley, we thank you for your ongoing support—and ask that as you prepare for Guy Fawkes Night, you keep the safety of all animals in mind. Together, we can prevent future suffering and ensure every animal has the chance to live a life filled with love and care.