At Little Valley, we’ve had the privilege of caring for many remarkable larger dogs, and Coco, a stunning Cane Corso, was just one of those who are often overlooked.
Coco came to us as part of a case investigation, and despite her tough start, she showed us just how much love and loyalty a big dog can offer. With her striking appearance, including her cropped ears, Coco faced challenges not of her own making. But underneath it all, she was a gentle soul longing for a fresh start.
Sadly, many large dogs like Coco are misunderstood or overlooked because of preconceived ideas about their size or breed. These misconceptions, often fuelled by stereotypes, mean many wonderful dogs like Coco wait longer in kennels for the loving home they deserve. Coco proves why those beliefs are so unfair. During her time with us, she displayed her sweet and affectionate nature every day, showing everyone just how special she is, despite her size and appearance.
It’s true that not every breed is suited to every lifestyle, but each dog is an individual, and Coco was no exception. At Little Valley, we carefully assess every dog to match them with the right home where they can thrive. For Coco, that perfect match finally came, and she’s now enjoying her new life with a family who see her for the incredible, affectionate dog she is.
Coco’s journey reminds us why it’s so important to look beyond appearances and focus on the character and potential of every animal. Big dogs like Coco truly do have big hearts, and thanks to her new family, Coco now has the happy ending she waited so patiently for.
Cut it out! A Cruel Trend That Needs to Stop.
Ear cropping – removing parts of a dog’s ears to make them stand upright – is one of the most senseless and cruel practices still happening today. It has no benefit for dogs, only causing pain, fear, and long-term harm. We’re saying loud and clear: this must end. You can find out more at the RSPCA’s Mutilated for Money page
What is Ear Cropping?
It’s exactly what it sounds like – chopping off parts of a dog’s ears, often when they’re just a few weeks old. This practice originated from working dogs but has become a horrific trend for pet dogs. Puppies endure incredible pain, sometimes without proper anaesthetic, and then weeks of healing and distress. It’s illegal in the UK under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, yet we’re seeing more cropped dogs than ever.
Why is It So Wrong?
It’s painful: the procedure hurts, and recovery can be slow and traumatic.
No benefits: claims that it helps prevent infections or injuries are nonsense – there’s no scientific evidence to back this up.
Lasting harm: Beyond physical damage, ear cropping can cause behavioural issues, leaving dogs fearful and anxious.
The Social Media Problem
Part of the blame lies with social media and celebrity culture, where cropped ears are seen as a ‘tough’ or ‘trendy’ look. But it’s not a look – it’s cruelty. Every time we normalise it, we fuel the demand for dogs who’ve suffered unnecessarily.
What You Can Do
If you suspect someone is illegally cropping their dogs’ ears or arranging for their dogs to have their ears cropped, please report your concerns to our hotline, calling 0300 1234 999. We will always look into reports and will investigate if there is evidence that the law has been broken.
Raise awareness: share the truth – ear cropping is cruel, pointless, and has no place in a dog-loving society.
Dogs deserve better. Let’s put an end to this barbaric practice, once and for all.